Our School

Kensington Community High School (KCHS) specialises in the education and development needs of students identified as being at risk of not completing secondary education due to significant personal and interpersonal difficulties, family dislocation, homelessness, personal trauma and learning difficulties.

Students attend from a broad area of Melbourne's Western and Northern suburbs.

  • Our team of educators and wellbeing staff are focused on creating an inclusive learning environment for all students.

    Meet our team.

  • Our vision is to provide an alternative educational setting for secondary aged students. Supporting young people in their learning, education and wellbeing. Read more here.

    Our school values are CARES. Community, Achievement, Respect, Effort and Safety are the basis of our welfare, engagement, and wellbeing programmes and processes.

  • KCHS is situated on the historic 1887 Newmarket Saleyards in the original administration building. Classrooms are physically small, requiring the school to utilise local community facilities, including libraries, sports stadiums, outdoor environments and a local business as part of an Advance programme.

    We have a basketball/sport ground, gym and school garden on campus. View our image gallery here.

  • Kensington Community High School (KCHS) has existed as an alternative setting to mainstream secondary schools since 1975. KCHS’s role has been to provide an alternative educational setting for secondary aged students who are vulnerable to not completing secondary education due to unmet personal, interpersonal and learning needs.

    Today, our cohort is wonderfully diverse, culturally, economically and neurodiverse.

  • Please follow the link to read our annual report.

    Read about our School Strategy and our plan for the upcoming school year.

  • We are currently recruiting for the following positions:

    We will upload positions as positions become available.

  • The Child Safe Standards (the Standards) are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools to ensure schools are well prepared to keep children and young people safe and protect them from abuse.

    For more information, click here

  • We welcome parents and carers to join our School Council. Nominations and voting are held in term 1, and we welcome enquiries throughout the year.

    Parent/Carer Payment Arrangements will be sent to families in term 2.

  • Term 1, 2023 (available April ‘23)